Interview with E. Rawls, Co-winner of Cosmic #BlogBattle

Hello again, Ms. Rawls! What a pleasure to see you back in the winner’s circle. You look lovely this evening, I must say. Are you doing something new with you hair, perhaps? . . . Oh, you really don’t need to look so shy! You’re just radiant. Thank you for meeting with me for a quick interview. It’s always a pleasure.

I’d like to dive right in to our questions tonight, and first off here is what we are all dying to know:

1) If writers were the only people who liked fruit cake would it be wise to bring some to a party so you could strategically figure out who you wanted to be friends with? Why or Why not?

Hmm, I would bring the cake and any who drew near I would befriend as a fellow writer. But then I’d quick go around the party and make friends with anyone holding a book in their hand, or who looks like they enjoy reading. I love writer friends, and I also love reader friends!
Watch out for the Tropical Killer Cake though, that stuff is dangerous. 😉

Oh, such a great point! Eat your cake before it eats you, and make sure you enjoy a good book or two! 🙂

2) Fantasy worlds are fun to delve into, but what’s the most difficult part of creating one?

The details. That’s what I’m working on right now with V.Chronicles: the different species, cultures, languages, legends, and all that make up the world. It’s fun but very time-consuming. And with each new story you write you learn more about the world you created, so world building in a sense never really ends.

I could see how that would be the most time-consuming and often difficult part, but it also sounds like you truly enjoy delving into those details. Very nice indeed.

3) Doctor Who is visiting this week, and he’s not your typical 20 armed alien, but he’s not from this world. He makes promises and does his best to keep them, but what if the Doctor asked you to go traveling through space and time with him, but if you did you’d have to give up ever coming back to the exact time you left and you may not see your family again. Would you go?

Oooo that’s a tough one. The explorer and adventurer side of me would dive in, but the other side who loves family and friends would refuse to even consider it. I will have to lean toward not leaving. The people around me mean too much. I’ll wait until I’m with God to go exploring. 🙂

I, too, love my family and friends, but if the Doctor called . . . boy, I’d have a hard time saying no to that! You’ve got smarts and gumption. Love it.

Thanks again, E., for stopping by for our little chat! It has been a pleasure getting to know you a bit better! And thanks for sharing that Tropical Killer Cake! It was to die for! 😛 😉

10 responses to “Interview with E. Rawls, Co-winner of Cosmic #BlogBattle”

  1. The answer to the Doctor Who question was pretty good. I’ve seen enough of Doctor Who to where I’d tell him ‘Nope. I’ll stick to watching you on TV’ 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha I kinda crave the excitement. 😛

      Liked by 1 person

  2. phoenixgrey85 Avatar

    Good interview, once more. Loved the tropical killer cake. 🙂 It was very tasty. I wonder if any other flavours of cake might turn killer? Killer chocolate cake maybe?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oooo! Chocolate. My favorite.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. phoenixgrey85 Avatar

        Mine too. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Reblogged this on E.Rawls and commented:
    I was interviewed by the lovely Rachael Ritchey after my short story Cosmic Hunter tied for the #BlogBattle winner! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. A lovely introduction to that interview there. 😉
    I actually am doing something different with my hair! I’m getting it cut shorter for the summer 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha! That’s awesomely fantastic. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Fabulous questions and answers. Ms. Rawls is an interesting writer. ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, she is, most assuredly! Thank you, Tess. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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