Author Spotlight – Rachael Ritchey

Have you seen this yet? Such a great Spotlight for Chronicles and me. ❤ Thanks to L.M. Nelson for the beautiful shout out!



Author Spotlight

This week’s second author spotlight shines on someone I hold near and dear to my heart. Young Adult author and book designer, Rachael Ritchey.

rachaelRachael is a writer and book designer for indie authors. She mainly writes YA fantasy fiction, but you can find her dabbling in scifi and contemporary genres too. She has a passion for beautiful books, so book cover and interior designing are high on her list of enjoyable hobbies. When she’s not writing, working on design, spending time with her four kids and husband, homeschooling her youngest, reading a book, or watching movies, Rachael can be found enjoying one of the many beautiful lakes of the Inland Northwest or hiking in the woods of Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho.

Chronicles of the Twelve Realms

beautyThe Beauty Thief

Magic is long dead in the Twelve Realms. At least this is what most believed until an…

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