Rachael Ritchey on The Making of an Anthology.

The Crux Anthology is still looking for support and readers! 😉 Thanks to Gary for sharing about this fantastic project! ❤

Fiction is Food

Last November saw me alongside fifteen other authors published in The Crux Anthology. This is Rachael’s story on how it unfolded.

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8 responses to “Rachael Ritchey on The Making of an Anthology.”

  1. Awesome Rachael and no need to thank as it was a tad later than hoped!!! Then again continuing shout outs can’t not help really 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Woebegone but Hopeful Avatar
    Woebegone but Hopeful

    Thanks again Rachael for the opportunity. Being in this anthology gave my work on Vol II of my series the kick it needed, went into overdrive daring to go in all directions.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I love hearing that so so much, Roger! It’s huge what you’re doing. I love your voice and style. I love seeing how you see things, and I want to hear more about your progress. ❤

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      1. Woebegone but Hopeful Avatar
        Woebegone but Hopeful

        Hi Rachael.
        My pleasure to give credit where credit is due. I know there are folk out there writing away because of your example and encouragement. Keep on keeping on!
        I’ve been off the radar for a while because Vol II ‘Our Skirmishers of Steel, Fire and Lace’ of my series ‘Precipice Dominions’ took hold of me and would not let go until all was wrapped up. Just waiting for a cover from my son’s friend.
        I have to admit writing this was a real joy, everything was thrown into the mix. Romance, War, Comedy, Schemes, Plots, Doubts, Mistakes, Confusions, Sacrifices, Friendship. And best of all, no one completely in control. In short Life let loose in a fantasy setting. Heck! I did enjoy it.
        Word doc and pdf (or ‘Pud-duff’ as they are known in our house) available on request for a ‘pre-release’ event.
        Thanks again for all your help and encouragement Rachael.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. That’s so fantastic, Roger! I love hearing about when the creative flow takes over. I’d love to be on that pre-release party if you’d so be willing. I’m catching up on some stuff, but hopefully next month will free me up for more new books! And thank you for the reciprocity of encouragement and support!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Woebegone but Hopeful Avatar
            Woebegone but Hopeful

            And thank you Rachael. I’ll outline ‘what’s what’ (or has one of the main character says ‘wot’s wot’ in a post and put out a general invite for Word of pdf docs…..must get that organised in the next 24 hrs

            Liked by 1 person

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