DOSA FILES Author Contributor: Interview with Michelle L. Houston

Welcome to the DOSA FILES Launch Tour!

What are the DOSA FILES? Well, I’m glad you asked!

The DOSA Files Header for Launch Tour

The Tour starts here: H. L. Burke’s website

The DOSA Files is an anthology of superhero fiction short stories from a group of authors based in H. L. Burke’s Supervillain Rehabilitation Universe (SVR Universe) which includes several subseries between superheroes and supervillains and their kids! There’s straight up superheroing and some romance, Christmas-themed stories and more.

Heidi’s writing is well-paced, action-packed, and fun! It’s so great to see her expanding her writing universe out in this anthology, and I can’t wait to read the stories from the contributors!

Check out the other stops on our blog tour!

Scattered throughout the blog posts in the DOSA Files Launch Tour are six clues.

Call to Solve the Cryptographer's Puzzles as part of the book giveaway for the DOSA Files launch tour.

Find all six clues and solve the puzzles to get a secret passcode. That passcode will give you entry to this form where we are running TWO epic giveaways (info at bottom of post):

Here are the stops on the Launch Tour that have already come (you’ll want to go check them out because there are scattered clues!):

There are two more stops on the tour after mine today, so I’ll post links for those at the bottom of this post!

Our Interview with Michelle

For this stop on the Launch Tour, you get to meet author Michelle L. Houston and get another clue in the giveaway!

Getting to Know Michelle

RR: Welcome Michelle! Tell us a little about yourself!

    MICHELLE: I’m a fiftyish wife and mom of three wonderful kids. I get the privilege of teaching science to high schoolers most of the year at a Christian school. I love my church and working with the volunteer opportunities it presents. I especially love worship every Sunday morning. I enjoy being outside as much as possible, which for me means hikes and camping. I also enjoy travel, crocheting, and cooking foods from different nationalities.

    RR: Awww, I love it! I’ve got the impression you’re a joyful person to be around. Of course, whenever we actually get a chance to meet in person (which I hope we will someday!), I need to know: Tea or coffee or??

    MICHELLE: Honestly, mostly water. Especially if it is flavored with a little bit of blueberry or peach balsamic vinegar.

    RR: Ooo, that sounds interesting! I’ve never tried that. With your unique choices in food and your long list of things you do, does where you live inspire anything in your writing? And if so, how?

    MICHELLE: I’d say all the places I have lived or traveled influence my writing. I will often picture a specific place, or combination of places, when I write a story. For example in “Unseen Influences” I combined the cultures and physical structures I have known from my times in Atlanta, Natchitoches and Birmingham.

    RR: That sounds a lot like how I tend to write. I’ll ask you more about “Unseen Influences” here in a minute, but I’m curious, how long have you been writing?

    MICHELLE: I started writing in middle school. I still have stories of a horse named Patches that I wrote at that age. But in terms of writing for publication, that began with COVID (like so many other hobbies).

    RR: Oh, so true! That was a period of time for much change for many of us, and also took away any excuses not to give that writing dream a go! I love that you still have stories from middle grade! Obviously, you haven’t shared them (yet), but what made you decide to start sharing your other stories publicly?

    MICHELLE: During COVID lockdown I was reading and writing more than normal. In addition, I contacted a few of my favorite authors, and several of them were gracious enough to write back and start a correspondence. They were the ones to point me to possible anthologies for my stories. I can’t tell you how surprised (and pleased) I was when my first story was accepted.

    RR: That’s so fantastic! Just the encouragement you needed then. What genre do you mainly write?

    MICHELLE: Fantasy, with a dash of science fiction.

    RR: Right up my alley! And obviously a good fit for the DOSA Files anthology! Are you planning to stick to writing short fiction only, or do you have any novels in the works?

    MICHELLE: I have a novel that is somewhat finished; it is in the final edits (for the third time). I have contemplated publishing it myself, but I’m not sure when I would have time for that. It might take another pandemic (God forbid, but I’m afraid it is only a matter of time before that happens).

    graphic with the ten author names included in the DOSA Files Anthology

    Getting to know Michelle & the DOSA Files

    RR: I understand that! There is a lot that goes into writing and publishing a novel. I think the traditional route can be very involved, too, but just different in some ways. How did you hear about the DOSA Files?

    MICHELLE: Heidi’s universe is one that I have long enjoyed. I probably saw it through her website or from other fans. I don’t remember.

    RR: That makes sense! I remember seeing a post about it on Facebook. So, since you’re a long-time fan of her books, what if any have you read of Heidi’s SVR series before submitting to the anthology project?

    MICHELLE: All of it.

    RR: Oh wow! That’s fantastic!

    MICHELLE: I snatch up her books as soon as they come out.

    RR: Do you have a favorite superhero from the SVR? If so, who? And what makes them your favorite?

    MICHELLE: The whole Parks family. I am always a sucker for an idealist who is trying to do the right thing no matter what.

    RR: I love those characters too! I bet that idea influenced your story, “Unseen Influences.” Tell us a little about your story in the DOSA Files

    MICHELLE: “Unseen Influences” centers around two people. Selina is the heroine with the power to become undetectable. When she activates her power nothing affects her (even a suppressor field wouldn’t halt her powers, though I didn’t address that in the story). However she is very timid and shy and cannot stand stressful situations. Joseph is a widower cop who is doing his best to raise his five-year-old girl, who is in Selina’s kindergarten class. The story flows from there.

    RR: Awww, I have a feeling I’m going to LOVE “Unseen Influences“! What inspired your story in the DOSA Files?

    MICHELLE: I didn’t want to write a normal good-guy-beats-bad-guy story. I started with what if the superhero didn’t want to be a superhero?

    RR: That’s a great question to start from with a lot of potential for a compelling read. I’m so looking forward to getting my copy of the DOSA Files!

    Unseen Influence by Michelle L. Houston
    Shy teacher Selina’s greatest fear is for her powers to be discovered. When the police officer father of one of her students starts to catch on, will she be able to keep her secret?

    Final Interview Thoughts

    RR: Thank you so much for spending this time with me today! To kind of close us out, if you had to pick one superpower to have, what would it be?

    MICHELLE: Easy-the ability to tell if someone was lying. It would be super helpful in real life (did the dog really eat your homework? Was it really your brother who spilt the milk?). But it would also be helpful in the SVR universe. How many superhero stories start with the good guys getting into a bad situation because someone misled them?

    RR: I love it. Lying is one of those things that seems to easy for some people to conceal. And sometimes we’re just really bad at seeing it. Because we’re both moms, I have one more question: Do you have some parenting advice that your characters wish they knew or had known?

    MICHELLE: The most important one they already know: love your kids unconditionally.

    RR: Good advice! Love doesn’t mean endorsing bad behavior, but you don’t have to do one to do the other. Where can readers connect with you online?

    MICHELLE: There is a contact page on my website  I’d love to hear from people!

    AT the VERY BOTTOM of this post is another clue, so don’t miss it!

    Two more stops coming on the tour:

    June 26th:

    June 27th:

    About the DOSA Files

    DOSA Files book cover

    10 Authors, 10 Stories, Endless Ways to Save the Day!

    The Award-Winning Supervillain Rehabilitation Project series expands with this new ten-story anthology of exciting superhero (and villain!) tales.

    Enter a world of superpowered heroes… and villains. Of epic adventure and hope.

    In this collection you’ll find tales of humor, action, and suspense. Meet brave heroes, quippy villains, and desperate vigilantes.

    All featured stories are PG or lower, making this a great read for all ages, but especially for fans of superhero fiction, heartfelt moments, and snarky humor.

    Featuring New Superhero Stories from Award Winning authors as well as exciting new voices in the genre.

    Are you ready to save the day?

    Available on Amazon June 27th!

    Add it on Goodreads


    Scattered throughout the blog posts in the DOSA Files Launch Tour are six clues.

    Find all six clues and solve the puzzles to get a secret passcode. That passcode will give you entry to this form where we are running TWO epic giveaways!

    Once you’ve decoded all the clues:

    DOSA Files Launch Tour Giveaway 1 graphic

    One lucky puzzle solver will win a mini-ebook library of titles from our authors. (Winners chosen July 1st, 2024)

    DOSA Files Launch Tour Giveaway 2 graphic

    One lucky puzzle solver will win a mini-paperback library of titles from our authors (US shipping only).

    NOTE: not all titles are shown on the graphics because included are a couple of “reader’s choice” options for you with both giveaways!


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    Don’t forget: once you’ve solved all the clues and discovered the passcode you can enter to win one of two epic prizes here: 


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