The Last Motley has arrived! And you don’t want to miss this.

I love Books. I love Treasure Hunts.

I love Authors and Giveaways and Meeting New People!

last motley fantasy book tour

Welcome to the virtual book tour for The Last Motley by Grace Award nominated author DJ Edwardson.

To celebrate the book’s release the digital version is being offered at the special discounted price of 99 cents, now through February 17th, 2018.

And this is cool:

In addition, you’re invited to come along on a virtual treasure hunt visiting some of the places featured in the novel. To help you along your journey, we’re giving away a few prizes, too. So how ’bout them apples?

Today’s stop is:


This tiny river town has little to offer in the way of industry or services. It exists merely as a place for weary river travelers to dock for the night. Many choose to sleep on their boats rather than venture ashore. Most of the houses are flimsy wooden affairs with broken roof tiles and at least one boarded up window. There is no proper inn to speak of.

Lying on the northern side of the Fallowing, it is beyond the the protection of the emperor and the Brigshankers seem to prefer it that way. The few carpenters and fishermen who live here make a decent enough living and are not in any hurry to see any of their meager wealth fo to fill the emperor’s coffers.

One would think bandits or the wildmen to the north might be a problem, but apparently Brigshank is too poor for either group to bother with. Or it could be that the residents have ties to one or both of those groups that outsiders are unaware of. Whatever the case, Brigshank remains a forgotten little rundown village and the residents intend to keep it that way.

last motley map world of arinn brigshank

We hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into the world of Arinn. If this taste has you curious, be sure to check out the full length novel set in this world.

This unique tale is not your typical fantasy novel, Yes, you’ll find monsters, dungeons, harrowing escapes, magic portals, a humor, an ancient artifact, and much more but above all This is the story about the importance of family, faith, and the courage to do the right thing.

Here’s the official teaser:

The Last Motley

The Last Motley Fantasy Book CoverMotleys. Candy-colored creatures with dark powers to drain the souls of men. That’s what Roderick always thought. Until he met one. Now he’s not so sure. But with seemingly everyone in the province hunting the motley down, he must quickly decide which side he’s on.

Is the motley the living nightmare the legends say? Or just a child cursed by magic? Should Roderick save him from an awful fate, or turn him in? Either way, it seems like everyone wants to make sure that this will indeed be the last motley.

Be one of the first to read this unique and original fantasy novel, available now for the first time in digital format at the following online locations:

8 responses to “The Last Motley has arrived! And you don’t want to miss this.”

  1. I like that map! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Isn’t that a cool one! 🙂 Makes me wish I had better map-drawing skills. 😉


      1. Is something I must try and dabble in. How’s things? ☺️

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Things are. Getting excited for the writing contest and trying to get all my ducks in row! How’s things with you?


          1. Those ducks are a pain aren’t they? I’m good thanks ☺️

            Liked by 1 person

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