Happy Thanksgiving and Then Some!

Happy Thanksgiving

There is a lot to reflect upon in my life. Each year brings both challenges and blessings. This year has been no different.

My children continue to grow and mature, moving forward into adulthood with bravery and diligence. I’m so blessed by their lives and praise God for them.

My husband continues to love me, and when he looks at me, for some reason he seems to think I’m beautiful. I’m plump and wrinkled and graying at the temples, but if he’s pretending, I can’t tell! It is a wonderful thing to be beautiful in the eyes of your spouse.

I get to spend my days teaching my children, designing book covers, formatting interiors, writing, serving in my church, and cuddling up with good books. I get to breathe fresh air, feel the warm sun on my skin, and listen to the rain patter on the roof.

Near and far are those I love and who love me. God is so good, and I’m so thankful for the simple blessings and the big ones. I’m thankful that when things are hard I can lean into the creator of all and find shelter and comfort, even when I don’t know what’s going to happen.

I hope you find things today to look back on and remember with fondness and gratitude.

As a way to share my gratefulness, I’ve also made The Chronicles of the Twelve Realms e-books on Amazon $0.99 USD!

Happy Thanksgiving, friends!

4 responses to “Happy Thanksgiving and Then Some!”

  1. You’ve always been a grateful one, Rachael – Happy Thanksgiving!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Job. ❤ Happy Thanksgiving to you too!


  2. How lovely to see your message of gratitude. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

    Liked by 1 person

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